Halloween Party 2003

Watch Brendan Eat Fire

Dr. Greg
Jeff the SpongBob
Are Pirates allowed to use the phone?

Hey its a preist and a schoolgirl, I think they planned their costumes in advance

The Good, The Bad, The McCarty
Is that the Statue of David or is it just me
Now there are two people you don't see everyday
Tom eating some fire
Tom eating some more fire
Now it is Brendan's turn
Good time for a phone call
Some one doesn't like all the fire
The Devil isn't afraid of fire
Round the couch they sit
Jeff Refused to put on the wings
Ben and Brie
Peg Bundy and ...Cole
When the Devil points at you, you listen
The Life Guard, The Doctor, and that Goth Kid
Just ask him where your seat is
That Goth kid is reading a book
For Being so Goth he sure smiles a lot
Thats why we put the bag there
Jeff and Sarah
Heather Jeff and Sarah
So whats up with Gregs Lip?
Now that's a quality table eh?
This side of the Table is where the party is at